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When should you import data onto Ezus?

When does it make sense to import data onto Ezus using the data import? And when does it make sense to do it later?

Roberto Machado avatar
Written by Roberto Machado
Updated over 8 months ago

Importing your data onto the software can make a lot of sense and help you get started on Ezus as quickly as possible, however it depends on what type of data you want to import and how it is structured. Sometimes doing all of, or part of the import by hand can make the process slower.

There are three main cases when it comes to deciding if you should opt for getting a data import :

1. You are swtiching from another software and have exported the data from them

This is the easiest case, as if you have been able to export the data as an Excel or CSV file we will be able to import most of the information straight away allowing you to focus on the other aspects of getting onboard Ezus while using the suppliers you are familiar with.

💡 Under GDPR rules in the European Union companies are required to give you a machine readable export of your data. Your contract with them often states this too.

Some companies do not want to give your data, but reminding them of this tends to move things along 😉

In the case you have this data please send it to your account manager or person in charge of the import so they can have a look.

2. You already have a "homemade" database

This case can either be simple or relatively complicated depending on how it's been structured.

The first thing you can do is send it to your account manager or the person in charge of the import. As we have seen many data imports we will be able to look at the data and see if it is importable directly by us, in least in part, and how we can help you save some time.

In general, in order for a file to importable it needs to be grouped onto a single file and tab. I.e all suppliers in a single tab and not spread out, and it also needs to be organised in lines.

For example, in a client file, each line corresponds to a single, unique client. If there is multiple contact information it needs to be on the single line or in a seperate file and linked with references.

If you already have a database an import can make a lot of sense, but it is important to remember the point of an import is to save time in the set up. So our recommendation is to import everything that is easily importable before going on to finish the catalog on the software.

3. You don't have a database

In this case I would recommend reading this article, and looking at the file template in the article for infomation about how to fill the document.

However, it is important to ask yourself if it is a good idea to do this whole process manually or if it perhaps makes sense to go without an import and do it straight on the software.

This allows you to make sure that your data is clean, and to add the suppliers you actually use.

Feel free to talk to your account manager or the person in charge of the import to see if an import makes sense for you!

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