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What's new with Ezus in 2024?
What's new with Ezus in 2024?
Roberto Machado avatar
Written by Roberto Machado
Updated over 2 months ago


As the holidays end, we have some new features to unveil to close greatly 2024 and for you to start 2025 with software as amazing as the trips you create. 👑

New settings available:

ℹ️ The amount of filters is no longer a problem, we have extended the customization of visible filters to the rest of the main tables.

🧑 As an individual you might only work with one brand while your company has multiple brands, you can now choose a default brand on your profile and gain some time while creating projects.

🔤 Whether you use multiple references for your projects, ask for a mandatory choice of a counter while creating a project.

💭 Assign different names to the people related to the projects. If for example, you have 'travel planners' instead of 'travel designers'

Tasks management:

🔖 Don't lose a document ever again, add attachments to your tasks at whatever moment you need to and centralize all the information for you and your teammates.

Making your catalogues more useful than ever before:

📚 Synchronize all or one step with your catalogues in a project or the sample steps catalogue.

🈳 Translating? Don't ever worry about it any more! Descriptions and names can be translated with the new native feature while you gain time.

Multilanguage management:

🎏 Why not making something better? When changing the language of your project, and the synchronisation of the languages of your steps, the names of the products will also be updated (Information present in the sample steps)

New view of your project's info:

📠 Tasks and history are now displayed in the same space. This will enable you to add more info and get to it right away faster.

Financial management and documentation:

📅 Give yourself and your customers greater clarity and peace of mind. From the template settings, you can add a validity date to your quotes.

📃Customize the pop-up window to add the supplier's invoices and use the new Notes column to add all comments of the invoice.

💹 Customize the columns and rows of the Margin section of your project to only show what really matters.

🔔 A new view arrives to manage easily your suppliers. Search by Supplier on your global purchases view and find, create or modify your invoices.

Updates on our API and our integrations:

🚩New route are available on our Public API: more info here

  • "Info number" in the "upsert" routes

  • Company name and VAT number in the "clients-upsert" route

  • Date filters in the "GET projects" route

⛓️A new integration is available in the "Developers" section

Will will keep you posted on further information about it as well as practical cases to use it.


Almost the last month of the year, here you have the latest changes that you might have experienced on the software. 🎄

Multilanguage management

🎏 When changing the language of your project, you will be asked if you want to synchronise the language of the sample steps you are using on your project.

Going on to the quotation and invoicing:

📓 Enable the "Product notes" option in the Price section of your setup to show the important information you added on the Notes column in your budget view by product.

🌐 Clarify the main destination on your Invoices and Quotes, by adding the destination and sub-destination variables to the Title and the Total line header of your documents.

Task management made easier:

🔖 General follow-up tasks after a project are now possible by adding default tasks using the project's end date as the reference date.

Make your workspace yours by changing your settings:

⏬ Too many filters in the Project's table is not a problem any more by choosing your most used filters in the pencil icon ✏️ , next to the Filters button.

📁 Organize your Categories 🔃 by sorting them in alphabetical order, modification date or creation date and navigate them seamlessly.

📆 Date-type custom fields on your brief can be set to show up today's month or the travel date of your project, no need to navigate through dates anymore.

Public API updates:

🚩 A new route is available on our ✍️ documentation page : GET project-steps


  • Custom fields as columns in the Projects table

    You can add your brief custom fields as columns in your projects table.

  • Filter your calendar view from your main project view

    All filters applied to the main table view are also now considered when switching to the calendar view of projects.

  • Day's main destination

    If you are using the multidestination feature, you might notice a new change in your budget view where you will see and be able to choose the main destination of a day.
    For more info ✍️ Choose your day's main destination

  • Export a quote/invoice in an XLS format without formulas

    You can now export your quotes in an Excel or Google Sheets format without having any formulas, just text 🧐.
    Choose between with or without formulas by going to Settings > Properties.

  • Add by default documents to your by default Client Space
    You can now use your documents in the Files library as a default in your future Client Spaces. Go to your Settings > Company and scroll to the bottom to set it up. 📄

  • Choose a by-default due date for the suppliers' invoices
    Select the number of days after creating the invoice to pay your suppliers' invoices by default. Choose the number of days on your Settings > Budget (🧐 left column)

  • MTrip integration
    We enabled a new integration with MTrip. You can now synchronize the projects you like with this tool, no need to be a tech master to do it 😉

    For more info ✍️ MTrip x Ezus integration guide

  • Supplier statistics

    We have added some statistics concerning your suppliers directly on each of their info pages. Scroll to the bottom of the info section.

  • Sender and recipient search on your mailbox
    Use your mailbox search bar to retrieve the messages thanks to the email address of the recipient or the sender. 🔍

  • New variables available: Show the reservation status of your supplier in your project

    Thanks to the variable $$supplier.N.stage$$ you will be able to show the reservation status in your documents.

  • API documentation updates
    We have added two new routes GET Project Documents and GET Project Infos to the available API documentation. Have a look at it here.


  • Custom fields as columns in the Invoices table

    You can add your custom fields in the Invoices table to find out your invoice easier.

  • New variables available: Show the info in the start or end date, show your products by day and add your product bloc by day

    In your documents, you can now use:
    - $$days.[start]/[end] to show the info on the start or end date of a certain activity,

    - $$days.N.products$$/$$days.N.products.N$$ to show the list of products of the day or a certain product of the day.

    - Use the product bloc and add a conditional filter to show only de X day products.

  • Your default number of people as "P" in your steps
    Use the P automated quantity to set up the number of people of your steps.
    For more info ✍️ Automate your default quantity

  • Modify the size of your columns
    You might have noticed a new icon next to some of your headers on your tables. Click on it and set the size of the column. You will be asked to set a number of pixels (no need to know what a pixel is 😄 )

  • Search through your Steps Catalogue in a defined language

    Change the search language in the search bar of the Steps Catalogue. You will get the title of the step in the desired language in black and the original title in blue.

  • Mark all your emails as read on your mailbox

    Thanks to the letter icon in the top right of your email list, mark all your emails as read.

  • Save your main used documents in the Files library

    Save some important documents you constantly use in your projects right on Ezus. Discover the new files library, import new documents, and use them in your project's documents.


  • Multidestination in your projects

    Add multiple destinations to your projects and add the correct date for your customer to know their several destinations. Learn how to use it in ✍️ Add multiple destinations to your project

  • Custom fields as columns in the Products and Suppliers table

    You can add your custom fields in the Products and Suppliers table and in the search window in a program to find the right one to add in your steps.

  • Choose the right font for your summary bloc in your documents

    From now on personalize the type of font you want your summary block to show.

  • New variables available: Show your the category of your option
    In your documents, you can now use a new variable to show the type of option your product has.

  • The Search where you want it to be in your tables

    Click over the hand lens in your search bar and choose the columns where you want your search to be done.

  • Set the maximum characters of your descriptions

    To enhance the use of your documents, you can set the maximum length (in characters) of your descriptions short and long in your Settings > Properties.

  • Mask a tab instead of unpublishing your Client's Space

    Use the eye icon on your client space to have a tab whenever you need it to not appear and save time.

  • Adding documents to your Client's Space one by one

    To enhance the performance and reliability of your multiple documents in a same tab, you must select them one by one.

  • Export your received Stripe payments table

    Accounting needs? You can now get a clear view of your received Stripe payments in a .xlxs format. Just click on the three dots and export it.

  • Sort your Purchase Invoices via your project's status

    Add the project's status column in your Finances > Purchases table to search your Invoices easily.

  • Update: Default quantity of a product

    On the "Other figure" quantity of your product it is now possible to use the division by using the "/" symbol and to use the "[]" to round up your quantities.


  • Default quantity of a product

    You can set the default quantity using the letters we have created on the "Other figure" option in your products. Here you have the ✍️ Article on these dedicated letters.

  • Round up your quantities

    Using the square brackets, you can round up the quantities in the program. No matter if it is below or above 0.5

  • Brand column in your tables

    The Brand column is now available in your projects and your Sales invoices table. Add it by modifying your columns.

  • Payments in the purchase currency

    Payments done to your suppliers are now done in their invoicing currency if it does not match the project's currency. You will find the blue value in the upper part, as well as the exchange rate and a currency dropdown menu.

  • Conditional bloc generation variables

    We have developed more complex variables to condition the generation of your document's blocs. For example, you can now use $$supplier.X.product.N$$ to state that the generation is conditioned to the N product of the X supplier.


  • Filter by date

    From your project's main view, you can filter by date via the calendar icon shown in the upper left part of the screen.

  • Travel designer as the main contact of the project

    From your brand settings, you can select the travel designer to appear as the main contact of the project. Go to your brand settings and select it.

  • Rounding quantities in your programme

    Use the brackets in your program quantities to round up the amount. For example, 4/3=1.33, using the brackets [4/3]=2.

  • Finances > Purchases: Change the dates and schedules of your products

    From the product view on the Purchases tab, you can now change the dates of the activity without going back to the program builder.

  • Custom fields can now be columns in your main Client's table

    Important information that you created on your client's tab as a custom field, can now be shown in the main table of clients, so you don't miss out on anything.

  • Collaborator role will one be shown their tasks

    From now on, all of your colleagues having a collaborator role on their Ezus profile, will only be shown their task and no one else's


  • WhatsApp Button available on your Client Space:
    You can add a WhatsApp button to communicate to your customers directly from the Client's Space. Check out how to integrate it by clicking here!

  • New filters available for your projects table:
    You can now filter by project reference on your project's view.

  • Newly available columns in your project's view table:
    From now on you can check a project's net margin and gross margin without going in the project. In this article, we teach you how to do it!

  • Short and long description for Ezus' users:

    You now have a long and short description accessible on your profile. You can link those fields to your Proposal via dynamic variables.

  • Mailing notifications: Notify only the users concerned!

    Go to your settings > Mailbox and set up you should be notified when an email arrives in your mailbox concerning a specific project.

  • Seasonal prices are shown when you search for a product to add in your program:

    When searching for a product from your project, you will now be shown the seasonal prices if you are in a specific season.

  • Ezus model's gallery is updated:
    We are committed to delivering great templates for you to use in your activity, that is why all of our proposal templates are updated or corrected if necessary!


  • Padlock for your statistics:
    From now on you can lock either your Margin rate, Net margin, or Sales price (one at a time) to maintain stable statistics while adding or modifying your program.

    For more information on ✍️ Locking your statistics

  • Specific VAT on Common law VAT regime:

    Only while having your program in Common law VAT you can set the calculation mode on Specific and you can now have two different VAT rates (one for purchases and the other for your products). The by default VAT rate will be the rate applied for your purchases while the product VAT rate will remain the same as saved in your catalogue. More info ✍️ VAT calculation

  • New exporting feature:

    From your project view, you can now choose to export Your projects, do an advanced export, or do an invoice export. You will receive a notification on the notification panel when the export is ready.

  • Coloring quantities:
    When you want to add a product in which your capacity does not match or is above the number of people on the step, you will see the product's capacity in red as a warning when adding your product.

  • Attached files in the mailbox:

    From now on you can send, receive, and download your attached files from the Ezus mailbox.

    💡 When downloading the file you will receive a notification in the notification center.

  • Define a by default payment method for your purchases payments:

    You can now set up a by-default purchase payment method by going to Custom fields > Payment methods by clicking on the edition of the preferred payment method and clicking on the star. New payments will now have the new default payment method.

  • Dividing your quantities in a program

    As with the multiplying feature, you can now divide the product quantities in the program. You might also be able to multiply and divide at the same time.

  • New filters on your Purchase's invoice view

    You can now filter your invoices by project or by Supplier on Finance > Purchases


  • Add a supplier invoice without adding an attachment

    You can now add a supplier invoice by clicking on the ➕ and directly adding the amount, due date, payment date and percentage paid. You can still add a file by clicking on "Add file".

  • Multi-brand management

    You can manage your brands from the left-hand column of your projects in the Brand section. From the drop-down menu, you can create, modify (using the pen icon) or view information about the selected mark (using the eye icon).

  • Tâches par défaut

    Il est désormais possible de créer des tâches par défaut qui seront incluses dans tous vos nouveaux projets. En cliquant sur l'icône de liste, à côté de la cloche en haut a droite, puis en allant sur la rubrique taches par défaut vous pouvez ajouter vos tâches avec un début à J+X, depuis la date de création du projet ou la date de début du projet.



Here are the 4 new features for January 2024:

1° The client space

It is now possible to create a client space by default. This means that as soon as you create a new project and publish a customer space, you will be able to have a parameterised client space base.

To set it up, you first need to go to your settings, and the company tab.

You can then scroll down until you reach the settings area for the client space.

Once you've created a new project, go to the client space, publish it and it will be set up by default. You are now free to modify and customise it.

2° The mailbox

a) You now have notifications to let you know when you have new e-mails

b) When you have not read an email, your sticker will appear like this :

If you open it, you'll be able to see which emails have been opened and which haven't, because the pink dot will turn grey. However, it will only turn grey for you, it will remain unread for the rest of the team!

3° User management

a) You can now deactivate some of your users.

By going to your image, in the team tab, you can deactivate users who are no longer active. However, all their actions and their history will be kept on Ezus. So you won't lose any projects!

Here's how to do it:

You can click on the icon on the right to deactivate it :

Once deactivated, they can be found in the "Deactivated" tab:

b) You can now buy new seats on your own

If you want to purchase a seat for a new user on our software, you can do so simply by following this procedure:

  1. Click on the Team icon via your Profile at the top right or from your Properties at the left.

  2. Click on the pink button ➕Buy seats

  3. Select the number of seats you want

  4. You will get the details of your payment with the monthly price, the applicable VAT as well as the expiry date :

You can then proceed with payment, choosing to pay by credit card or SEPA transfer :

Your payment has been confirmed !

You will be able to retrieve your invoice directly from your Ezus space a few hours later, from the Subscription tab. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail.

ℹ️ For now, you can add up to 7 new seats, so don't hesitate to contact us if you need additional seats. The maximum transaction amount is €10,000.

c) You can no longer connect several people to the same account.

For security reasons, we have prevented multiple users from logging into an account at the same time. This update has also been made so that the Ezus team can better manage its users.

1 user = 1 seat = 1 account

4° New variables have been added

a) Travel designer and operation manager variables

Two new variables will allow you to include sales advisors and project managers in your documents

Here's how to create the variable(s):

You can enter the information you are interested in for both the operationmanager and the travel designer :

b) New variables for dates:

You will now be able to customise your dates even more thanks to symbols added to the variables, such as ^ or ~ for example. Here are the variables:

$$today.[%A %d %B %Y]$$

Thursday 07 December 2023

$$today.[%A* %d %B* %Y]$$


$$today.[%A^ %d %B^ %Y]$$

Friday 08 December 2023

$$today.[%A~ %d %B~ %Y]$$

friday 08 december 2023

$$today.[%A %d1 %B %Y]$$

Friday 8 december 2023

$$today.[%A %d' %B %Y]$$

Friday 8th december 2023

Thanks for reading and see you soon for the February 2024 Ezus What's New! 🤗

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