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What's new with Ezus in 2024?
What's new with Ezus in 2024?
Charles Gombert avatar
Written by Charles Gombert
Updated over a week ago


  • Add a supplier invoice without adding an attachment

    You can now add a supplier invoice by clicking on the ➕ and directly adding the amount, due date, payment date and percentage paid. You can still add a file by clicking on "Add file".

  • Multi-brand management

    You can manage your brands from the left-hand column of your projects in the Brand section. From the drop-down menu, you can create, modify (using the pen icon) or view information about the selected mark (using the eye icon).

  • Tâches par défaut

    Il est désormais possible de créer des tâches par défaut qui seront incluses dans tous vos nouveaux projets. En cliquant sur l'icône de liste, à côté de la cloche en haut a droite, puis en allant sur la rubrique taches par défaut vous pouvez ajouter vos tâches avec un début à J+X, depuis la date de création du projet ou la date de début du projet.



Here are the 4 new features for January 2024:

1° The client space

It is now possible to create a client space by default. This means that as soon as you create a new project and publish a customer space, you will be able to have a parameterised client space base.

To set it up, you first need to go to your settings, and the company tab.

You can then scroll down until you reach the settings area for the client space.

Once you've created a new project, go to the client space, publish it and it will be set up by default. You are now free to modify and customise it.

2° The mailbox

a) You now have notifications to let you know when you have new e-mails

b) When you have not read an email, your sticker will appear like this :

If you open it, you'll be able to see which emails have been opened and which haven't, because the pink dot will turn grey. However, it will only turn grey for you, it will remain unread for the rest of the team!

3° User management

a) You can now deactivate some of your users.

By going to your image, in the team tab, you can deactivate users who are no longer active. However, all their actions and their history will be kept on Ezus. So you won't lose any projects!

Here's how to do it:

You can click on the icon on the right to deactivate it :

Once deactivated, they can be found in the "Deactivated" tab:

b) You can now buy new seats on your own

If you want to purchase a seat for a new user on our software, you can do so simply by following this procedure:

  1. Click on the Team icon via your Profile at the top right or from your Properties at the left.

  2. Click on the pink button ➕Buy seats

  3. Select the number of seats you want

  4. You will get the details of your payment with the monthly price, the applicable VAT as well as the expiry date :

You can then proceed with payment, choosing to pay by credit card or SEPA transfer :

Your payment has been confirmed !

You will be able to retrieve your invoice directly from your Ezus space a few hours later, from the Subscription tab. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail.

ℹ️ For now, you can add up to 7 new seats, so don't hesitate to contact us if you need additional seats. The maximum transaction amount is €10,000.

c) You can no longer connect several people to the same account.

For security reasons, we have prevented multiple users from logging into an account at the same time. This update has also been made so that the Ezus team can better manage its users.

1 user = 1 seat = 1 account

4° New variables have been added

a) Travel designer and operation manager variables

Two new variables will allow you to include sales advisors and project managers in your documents

Here's how to create the variable(s):

You can enter the information you are interested in for both the operationmanager and the travel designer :

b) New variables for dates:

You will now be able to customise your dates even more thanks to symbols added to the variables, such as ^ or ~ for example. Here are the variables:

$$today.[%A %d %B %Y]$$

Thursday 07 December 2023

$$today.[%A* %d %B* %Y]$$


$$today.[%A^ %d %B^ %Y]$$

Friday 08 December 2023

$$today.[%A~ %d %B~ %Y]$$

friday 08 december 2023

$$today.[%A %d1 %B %Y]$$

Friday 8 december 2023

$$today.[%A %d' %B %Y]$$

Friday 8th december 2023

Thanks for reading and see you soon for the February 2024 Ezus What's New! 🤗

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