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Connect a Google Form to Ezus
Connect a Google Form to Ezus

Give your clients the possibility to create a project on your Ezus account through a Google Form

Pierre Arreckx avatar
Written by Pierre Arreckx
Updated over 11 months ago

⚠️ This function is only available for Professional plans or higher. If you only have a Starter plan and wish to use this function, contact your account manager.

You can create a Google Form with as many questions as you wish.

Using Zapier you will be able to automatically generate a project on your Ezus account, where the following information will appear :

  • Project title

  • Number of people

  • Start and End date of the project

  • Project budget

💡 NB: Only the project title is mandatory, all other criteria is optional

1. Create a Google Form

Start by connecting to Google Form. You can use your Google Account.

You can then create a Form, that you will be able to give access to to your clients and leads.

You will then be able to automate the creation of a project by following these steps :

  • Project Title :

    Create a question using the short answer:

Then enter a question, asking your customers to give their project a title

  • Project start date :

Create a question using the form "date":

Then enter a question, asking your customers the start date of their project

  • Project end date:

Repeat the project start date process, adapting the question

  • Budget:

Create a question in "short text" form as for the project title, then select "Answer validation" :

Then select "number" -> "Greater than" -> "0" and write in the custom error text: "Enter a whole number" as in the picture below:

Enter a question asking your customer to fill in the project budget

💡 NB: If you have a minimum budget you can change the minimum budget and modify the custom error text to include this minimum budget

  • Number of Pax:

Create a question in the form "short text" as for the project title, then select "Answer validation" as for the budget question:

Then select "number" -> "Greater than" -> "0" and write in the custom error text: "Enter a whole number" :

Then enter a question asking your customer the number of pax in their project.

💡 NB: If you have a minimum number you can adapt the field by putting "greater than".

If you have a maximum number you can adapt the field by putting "less than"

If you have a minimum and maximum number, you can adapt the field by entering "between".

Then adapt your personalized error message

💡 NB: You can enter the questions in the order you prefer.

2. Automation with Zapier

1. Click on Open Untitled Step

Click on Open Untitled Step

2. Type 'Google Form'


3. Click on Google Forms

Click on Google Forms

4. Click on choose an event

Click on *…

5. Click on New or Updated Form Response…

Click on New or Updated Form Response…

6. Connect your google account

Click on Account

7. Continue

Click on Continue

8. Choose trigger

Click on Choose value…

Choose the form you created before

9. Click on Test trigger

Click on Test trigger

10. Choose a form to use for tests, and click on continue with selected record

Click on Continue with selected record

11. Choose Ezus


12. Choose an event

Click on *…

And connect to your account using the information explained here

13. Click on Create or Update Project…

Click on Create or Update Project…

14. Click on Continue

Click on Continue

15. Click on Project Reference

Click on Project Reference

16 . Click on Response Id

Click on Response Id ACYDBNgbai_MNP6Dds9vnzwfsRA6zPrD7ByIacC3PXqQiOGkO0Y4oEgheS2t1aOyxM07d8Q

17. Click on Project Title

Click on Project Title, required

18. Choose the response to the title

Click on projet title efgrf

19. Click on Budget

Click on Budget

20. Click on the answer to the budget in the form

Click on 1. New or Updated Form Response in Google Forms…

21. Click on Number of pax

Click on Number of pax

22. Click on the answer to the number of people in the form

Click on nombre de personnes 420

23. Click on Date start

Click on Date start

24. Click on the answer to the start date in the form

Click on projet start 2023-09-29

25. Click on the answer to the budget in the form

Click on End date

26. Click on the answer to the end date in the form

Click on project end 2023-09-30

27. Click on User Email

Click on User Email

28. Select the email of the person you want to be project owner on these project

Click on your email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>

29. Click on User Email

Click on User Email

30. Click on Client reference

Click on Client reference

31. Click on Respondent Email if the client already exists on ezus

Click on Respondent Email

32. Type the 'custom_field_technical_name'


33. Select the custom field value

Type Custom Fields

34. Click on Continue

Click on Continue

35. Click on Test step

Click on Test step

Check that the message reads error = false and that a project has been created on your Ezus account

36. Click on Publish

Click on Publish

The automation is now live!

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