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Use the Zapier x Ezus integration

Simply connect your tools with Ezus with Zapier

Pierre Arreckx avatar
Written by Pierre Arreckx
Updated over a year ago

Ezus is now connected with Zapier. This means you can connect all your tools that have a public API connection and are available on Zapier!


Zapier is an automation tool that allows you to connect your Ezus account to thousands of other apps, such as your financial tools, your CRM, contact forms and much much more.

This no-code integration platform makes software integration more accessible. This can save you having to go through an IT integration agency.

You can find inspiration here:

Who can use the Zapier x Ezus integration ?

🚀 This integration is available to all Ezus Premium and Entreprise users.

To use this integration you will need an API Key. It is available in your settings, in the "Developer" section:

🚨 This key is sensitive information, be careful to keep this information private

If you don't have an API Key or if you wish to become a Premium user, send a message to your account manager, who will be happy to help you.

To go further

For the more technical amongst you, here is the Ezus API documentation.

You'll find all the API routes, also available on Zapier, which can also be used live.

If you'd like access to more actions to meet your automation needs, share them with us via the chat bubble!

ℹ️ For any problems related to the use of Zapier, please refer to Zapier support directly from the Zapier platform.

Please also note that Zapier is a paid software solution with a free package limited to 100 actions per month.

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